Individuals, Teams, and Organizations
to Thrive
About Dr. Spitzer
Thea Spitzer has been a consultant, strategic advisor, and coach to executives, leaders, and staff at Fortune 500s, mid-sized firms and start-ups for 30+ years, including 16 years with Microsoft.
Her expertise includes facilitating the development of business direction, aligning staff with that direction, increasing employee productivity and achieving bottom-line results. She has experience in identifying and solving a wide range of tough challenges. Thea has designed and executed over 1,000 corporate solutions in partnership with clients, creating and sharing practical tools that help guide firms to new levels of success.
Finding and Evolving Your "North Star" and Inspiring People Around It
Some view change as inspiring. Others see it as a threat.
How is it viewed at your organization?
Demonstrated Results
Project #1:
Business Strategy & Product Innovation
Challenging Situation: One of the products offered by this company had been highly successful for several years. But recent advances by competitors was decreasing its market share and profitability. Leaders knew they needed to make some changes but weren’t sure what to do.
Actions Taken: After becoming familiar with the product and the division, Thea designed and facilitated a process that engaged the creativity and knowledge of key employees to reinvent the product.
Results: The process was highly successful. Employees were motivated to contribute. Working with Thea, they created an innovation that took the product in different directions and made it highly profitable again.
Project #2:
Decision-Making Processes and Ownership
Challenging Situation: In partnering with the leadership of a division with 15,000 employees, Thea discovered that decision-making processes lacked rigor and clarity. This decreased effectiveness, resulted in poor decisions and missed opportunities, and caused mistrust.
Actions Taken: Thea determined the root causes of the problems. She then constructed a practical and easy-to-use decision making process that alleviated the issues. It was met with much enthusiasm and started being used across the division.
Results: A six-month follow-up revealed very positive results; the new process was working extremely well. With the feedback from this check-in, Thea implemented a few tweaks that made it even better. Four years later, these decision processes were still meeting the needs of that division. And it was working so well that it was adopted by other divisions across the corporation.
Project #3:
Cross-Group Collaboration
Challenging Situation: Two groups in this organization had complex interdependencies requiring joint brainstorming and decision-making, and coordinated actions for the development of an important product. There had been problems between the two groups for several years. Delivery dates were missed and customer relationships were affected. Resources were wasted because the groups duplicated work.
Actions Taken: Thea constructed a detailed and accurate picture of the situation. Using this information, she facilitated several streams of work to improve the way people worked both individually and with others.
Results: Immediate positive results were seen in the way the two groups collaborated. The most significant proof of success was the creation of a fantastic new product by these two groups working together.
Project #4:
Leadership Coaching for Higher Performance
Challenging Situation: An important leader was strong in most aspects of her job, but unable to influence others in positive ways. She had previously been made aware of the problem and had gotten training to improve her skills, but wasn’t yet changing her behaviors.
Actions Taken: Thea determined that coaching was the best way to assist this leader. Over the course of several months, Thea met with her regularly, providing coaching and support.
Results: The leader gained deep insights and applied them to change her beliefs, attitudes, and behavior. Over time she became known as “a key influencer” and re-gained the respect of those that she had previously alienated. She could now contribute much more to the organization’s success and was rewarded with a well-deserved promotion.
“It’s fair to say you have worked some magic here.” commenting on Thea's work improving collaboration between two important business groups that needed to work closely and had been unable to do so for several years.
Thea understands the culture needed for large corporations to succeed in today’s global market and knows how to create that culture.”
“Thea has become our expert on cross-group issues.”
“We found Thea to be very professional, very knowledgeable, and very committed to meeting her customers’ needs. She exceeded our expectations in all the work she performed for us. Her willingness to coach others and to share her knowledge and skills is unique and a real strength.”
“I have personally witnessed Thea’s consistently candid, honest, straightforward style which she shares with everyone from our CEO to craft employees. I have benefited so much from the feedback she shares with me. With her assistance, I have become much more aware and have put to great use the tools she shared to help strengthen my leadership style.”
“Thea helped coach me and my team during a difficult transition between divisions. She helped us to communicate better and to produce a great plan for moving forward. She listens well and focuses in on the right issues.”
“Thea is convicted in her interactions with clients, and quickly develops a relationship of professional trust and respect that allows her to appropriately challenge their thinking.”
“Thea provided management consulting to my parent organization. We were really struggling to function as a leadership team. Thea crafted a training process and provided individual consulting that resulted in notable improvement. I would recommend her services without reservation.”
“Our group has made huge improvements as a result of Thea’s work with us and her influence with our leader and the directions of our group. Thanks again for stepping so well into the fray.”
“Thea, thank you for the wonderful job you did with the workshop. I was relieved to see so many pieces of this jigsaw puzzle come together!”
“Thea, thanks so much for your leadership. I know it’s very difficult to lead this type of effort. It’s a pleasure to work with you. Looking forward to more projects with you.”
“I worked with Thea during a reorganization to bring four groups together into a single organization. Her abilities to build trust, get to the heart of issues, and find creative solutions were invaluable to the success of the project. I learned a great deal from Thea and would gladly work with her again.”
“Thea, thanks for doing an awesome job with the interviews and the meeting. It was great for me to watch you in action – you were highly effective! You have a way of being quite strong, yet remaining connected. As a result, I feel like the right things are going to happen for the business and all the people involved.”
“Thea provided organizational consulting and personal coaching for our newly forming advanced technology team. She was a great coach and facilitator for a diverse team of strong individuals coming together to lead teams to develop complex new technologies.”
“Thea, the leadership course that you facilitated was a great learning experience and re-energized me about my role in the company. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!”
“I hired Thea to work with one of my employees who was having a hard time presenting their great ideas to senior management. Thanks to her work, the employee's ability to influence senior management improved hugely. Thea was a very positive influence on both myself and the employee. I highly recommend her as a coach.”